MX oil coolers
MX oil coolers are used in cooling systems of industrial, hydraulic, compressor oils specialized machinery and various equipment.
Structurally, the unit is a shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
The implementation of the unit can be both horizontal and vertical. The wall, located in the annular space, form a correct oil flow.
The main technical parameters of the unit are the surface area of heat exchange, the level of pressure (in the body, in the pipe part), the maximum temperature of the shell and the pipe part.
Heat exchange surface: from 4.5 to 18 square meters. The flow rate of the cooled oil: from 1.5 to 20 cubic m/h. Cooling water consumption: 5 to 15 cubic m/h. Oil temperature at the inlet: 150 °С. Oil temperature at the outlet: 44°С. Cooling water temperature at the inlet: 33°С. Outlet water temperature: 37°С. Oil operating pressure: 1,6 MPa. Working pressure of water: 0,6 MPa. Hydraulic resistance in water: 0,02 MPa. Hydraulic resistance in oil: 0,1 MPa.
MP oil coolers
For oil cooling systems in turbines, transformers, quenching baths special equipment is used – oil coolers MP (flow).
The main technical parameters of the unit are the surface area of heat exchange, the operating pressure of the oil, as well as the nominal volume flow rate of oil, water and oil temperature at the inlet.
Heat exchange surface: from 5.5 to 225 square meters. The flow rate of the cooled oil: from 80 to 330 cubic m/h. Cooling water consumption: 60 to 300 cubic m/h. Oil temperature at the inlet: 55 (65) °С. Oil temperature at the outlet: 44°С. Water inlet temperature: 33°С. Outlet water temperature: 37°С. Oil operating pressure: 0,50 MPa. Hydraulic resistance in water: from 0,1 to 0,2 Mmhg.
MRU oil coolers
Special oil coolers MRU are used to ensure the normal functioning of hydrogenerators, as well as other devices.
The main technical characteristics of oil coolers are the heat exchange surface area, working pressure of oil, water, oil temperature at the inlet and outlet, the temperature of the incoming water.
Heat exchange surface: 10 to 35 square meters. Oil temperature at the inlet: from 60 to 70 °С. Oil temperature at the outlet: from 45 to 50°С. Water inlet temperature: 33°С. Outlet water temperature: 30°С. Oil operating pressure: 10 MPa. Working pressure of water: 3 MPa.
MO oil coolers
Sphere of use of oil coolers МО - industrial technical equipment.
The main technical parameters of the unit are the level of heat flow, volumes of water and oil flow, hydrodynamic resistance, operating pressure (water, oil), as well as temperature values of water and oil.
Heat flow: 24 to 120 kW. Cooling oil consumption: from 6-10 to 30-40 cubic m/h. Cooling water consumption: from 3-5 to 10-15 cubic m/h. Oil temperature at the inlet: 70 °С. Water inlet temperature: 30-35°С. Oil operating pressure: 0,8 MPa. Working pressure of water: 0,4 MPa. Hydraulic resistance in water: 0,05 MPa. Hydraulic resistance in oil: 0,1 MPa.
Coolers of water and engine oils
Coolers of water and engine oils are designed to cool powerful diesel engines and belong to the class of shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
The main technical parameters of the unit are the surface area of the heat exchange, the working pressure of the oil, as well as the nominal volumetric flow rate of oil, the water and oil temperature at the inlet.
Evaporator coolers
In the heat and power industry, deaeration plants are widely used to remove oxygen from water. In these systems, for condensation and withdrawal of a by-product, namely a vapor-gas mixture, evaporator coolers is used.
The evaporator cooler is a shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
Available models of evaporator coolers can have different number of tubes in the beam, length, weight, overall, installation dimensions and other technical characteristics.
The choice is based on specific conditions and technical requirements.
Modern units differ in: